

The Green Paradise

If the Portuguese beaches are not enough for you, a pleasant detour to Madeira might be an idea. It's an archipelago of lush volcanic islands with a mild climate just 500 km from the African coast. The archipelago takes its name from its largest island, Madeira, with the capital Funchal. The second-largest is Porto Santo, with its most important city, Vila Baleira, where you can visit the house of Christopher Columbus. The other five islands in the archipelago, grouped into Desertas and Selvagens, are uninhabited.

We certainly recommend renting a car to fully enjoy the island of Madeira and discover the most romantic and scenic spots. It's a true paradise for nature lovers, who will find here the largest laurissilva forest in the world, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The climate is mild all year round, but if you love wine, the month of excellence is September when the Madeira wine harvest festival is held. This is certainly a celebration of one of the emblematic products of the island.