

The oldest city of Umbria

The blocks of limestone from which Gubbio was built give the town the nickname "gray city." Gubbio is the oldest town in Umbria, and it has preserved its medieval appearance.
Gubbio offers a magnificent view of the gentle hills of Umbria. Like Assisi, Gubbio is closely associated with Saint Francis, particularly in the tale of his encounter with the wolf. The Church of San Francesco is where the wolf found refuge for the night.
After visiting Piazza Grande, the city's main center, we recommend taking a tour of its monuments. These include the Palazzo dei Consoli, the Palazzo del Capitolo, the Cathedral, and the Church of Santa Maria dei Servi. This will help you gain a better understanding of Gubbio's history and legends.
The Largest Christmas Tree in the World
In Gubbio, you'll find the world's largest "Christmas tree," which lights up every year. This "tree" measures 650 by 400 meters and is created using hundreds of lights that follow the slopes of Monte Ingino. It's not a tree in the traditional sense, but rather a stunning art installation made of lights that can be seen both from above and from the city.