

the romantic city

Positano is situated behind the Lattari mountains. These protect the village from the northern winds, resulting in a mild and dry climate. The city has its own unique urban planning and architecture: the houses are nestled next to each other, reaching all the way to the top of the cliffs. As you walk through Positano and look around, you become lost and amazed.
Positano, known as "the village of the stairway," is picturesque and captivating, with over a thousand exclusive and unique spots. From an archaeological perspective, Positano offers an intriguing glimpse into Roman villa architecture. Defensive towers erected in the sixteenth century can be found in various places, including next to the riverside Cathedral of St. Mary Assumption, inspired by Byzantine architectural style.

The stunning surroundings create an exceptional environment teeming with life, adorned with colorful flowers decorating the houses, small workshops crafting textiles and leather, and restaurants specializing in seafood.
The colors and patterns of flowers in textile work gave rise to the famous fashion phenomenon "Moda Positano", which gained popularity in the 1950s. This fashion symbolized freedom and a departure from the rigid norms of the time. Today, "Moda Positano" has become a trademark.
Besides that, Positano is known for its unique accessories: sandals, slippers, cork and wood clogs, and fabric-covered slippers with rope soles, all handmade by renowned shoemakers before you purchase them.